Saturday, 23 June 2007

From Fargo... to Escargot

It's nice to be back home. At various points on the tour I was wistfully picturing the allotment.. sunshine, birds singing.. West Indian Joe's bellowing laughter.. the ladybirds munching blackfly.. (and most of all) all the squash and pumpkin plants I'd planted invading the weeds! Except all the plants got eaten by the snails. Now, the lack of squash and pumpkins, and the sight of so many plump snails brought something out in me. HUNGER! So I ate the snails (sorry James). I could have used a bit more garlic, but they were still quite tasty.

Friday, 1 June 2007

It's not easy being green..

I've coughed so much the past two weeks I've developed a rippling six pack. Not that anyone would be able to tell.. I've eaten too many burgers for that, especially since my sardine supply dried up on the long treck from Seattle to Minneapolis. Bad news for me but good news for everyone else in the van. But possibly the best news of all is that Alasdair has played some good shows and won't need to be sacked at the end of the tour!